We had such a busy weekend, but I had to snap this picture last night on the way home. Only had my phone with me, but could not resist. Looking out over the Cook Inlet at Mt Redbout, I was thrilled at how late the sun was going down. Spring is on its way! And the bright colors of the sunset seem to shout it.
This is my favorite mountain, and I am lucky enough to get to see it every day. The news says its about to get active again as a volcano...but even if it blows its top, I will still be its biggest fan.
How can you and I be SO different and yet so alike!? :) When I saw this exact view on the drive home last night I *gasped* out loud! Tony thought something was wrong!! ha ha. It was positively thrilling, the colors and the reflection in the ice-filled waters. Mmmm. Still brings a smile to my face!! :)
SO BEAUTIFUL!! You're so blessed to live by it!!
Love, Mere
Just gorgeous! What a great sunset and such such a fantastic mountain! I thought you were doing a play on words in your title...re-doubt...as if you were doubting something...it's just beautiful just like your entire state! :-) I want to visit!
That is amazing. What a gorgeous site to see everyday.
I hope you were able to recover from your crazy weekend!
My DH has a favorite "mountain" up in the Adirondacks, but it's WAY smaller than "your" mountain! That is so awesome, you sure show us what a beautiful place Alaska is.
So pretty!!! How fortunate you are to live amidst so many signs of God's Beauty!
Just beautiful! Love all the colors.
Beautiful sunset!
Have a great day, Denise
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