All the kids who came over just loved running and playing with Dewey.

Chena had a vaulting lesson this week. Its time to start getting ready for the summer riding season, and the vaulting team. Here she is on her lesson horse, doing a "flag" stance. I took this pic with my blackberry, so its a bit blurry.
I tried a new dish, and we all loved it. Its Spinach Artichoke Chicken Breasts, with Parmesan Potato Gnnochi. SOOOO yummy! (I'm a serious artichoke NUT)
Bunnies in the garage...why? When Mt Redoubt erupted, we got quite bit of ash blowing around,and falling on the ground. We wanted the bunnies to come inside for awhile, until the air was safe again. The girls loved playing with them in the garage, and the cats even kept asking for "visitation" with their fuzzy buddies.
This is Mossy Meadow:
And this is Tippy:
Dandelion was not sure what to make of all the gray ash on the ground either. We made her wipe her paws when she came in the house.
Lots to look forward to in April. The girls have their Horse Bowl competition in two weeks. They have been preparing for this since September, with weekly study sessions with their team, and lots of extra home research too. I'm proud of their hard work. More details on that later!
Penelope joined an indoor soccer team for 4th and 5th graders. Her practices are almost an hour's drive from here, but it will be worth it because she loves it! She has an awesome coach, so I am very happy about that.
We just bought tickets for a trip to Hawaii in May! Just the girls and I this time, Michael has a flying job he is counting on, and cannot go. Thanks Honey, for being such a good provider for us, and I'll bring you back a very tan wifey and maybe a pinapple or two.
Speaking of Hawaii, I'm going to have lots of fun taking pictures there with my NEW camera! I have saved up for quite a long time, and after lots of research decided on a Nikon d90. I'm in love with it, and I have only had it in my hands for a few minutes so far! From all the reviews I have read in my research, its a wonderful piece of equipment, and I look forward to a long life together...
Michael is out of town right now on a flying job at Sheep Mountain. He is working with Fish and Game. He finds the sheep, flying in the Super Cub. Then he radios the guys in the helicopter, and they come flying in, low. The "wrangler" jumps out with a net, leaps on the sheep like a wild cowboy, and wrestles it down as they shoot a sedative up the nose. They they can do blood work, check for diseases, etc. Interesting work. He really enjoys it.
Speaking of cowboys, with all of the hauling water, hauling wood, and wrestling hay bales I have been doing, I'm missing MY cowboy as well! He should be home in a day or two though.
Happy April everyone! Summer is on its way! What are you most looking forward to?
You're going to have a busy summer! Dewey looks like he has such a personality! Hope the girls do good in their Horse Bowl! I bet they will since they've been preparing so long...Congrats on your new camera :-)
Love, Mere
P.S. And to answer your question, I'm most looking foward to spending the summer with my best friend and sleeping late! YAY!
So....recipe? Looks SOOOOO good! Hope you guys are doing great - I love looking at all your pics and reading your blog!
Oh my goodness..SO much to catch up on!!! I am an artichoke fanatic so I would LOVE this recipe!! Hawaii??? How awesome!!! What island are you going to??? I know Maui inside out and backwards since my mom was born and raised there...if you should happen to spend time on that island let me know! Can I talk bunnies with you??? Our home owner association won't let us have chickens, but I think we can do bunnies...are they easy to keep? We animal lovers need more! Can't wait to hear about the horse show coming up too...I need to go back and read your post slowly...I missed, "Saddlepotatoes" this past week! Can't wait to catch up! :-)
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