Just a few random pics to share, don't have my thoughts organized or my pictures either..hee hee.
I love this one of my handsome hubby! I think its kind of neat how you can see our logo through his sunglasses from the front of his cap.

I call this picture "The Little Lawn Mower". We often just turn him loose like a big dog, and he stays close to home. Especially with all that GREEN stuff for him to munch. You cannot see it in the picture, but the other horses are giving him a terrible glare from over the gate.

My niece came down from Anchorage and stayed with us for a few days, and this is her adorable baby girl, Lilah. Lilah BEAN, if you are in the know. She is a character, kept us in stitches, and had a ball with all of our critters. Here she is meeting Sparrow.

Still can't stop taking pics of the flowers in my yard. What can I say, I'm a total flower NUT, and I just get so much pleasure out of having these bursts of color at my fingertips.

My African Daisies, right out my door. They look at me so cheerfully each morning, but get a case of the grumpies if we get afternoon showers, and close right up. Fickle little guys, aren't they?
Not really! Its from a few weeks ago, but I could not resist playing with it to make it look a bit more old-fashioned. I think it was all those bicycles that lent themselves to the vintage feel. I totally love photo-editing!!! Its addicting and you cannot stop me. I tried the 12 step program but I got to step one, and took a break to do some photo editing. LOL.
Anyway, a few of these cutie pie girls are mine, but I'd claim them all if you let me. We get to spend lots of time with them, and they are all gems. Gems on wheels!
All these pictures are great, but I especially love what you did with the African daisies—gorgeous!
Your pictures are beautiful. We took a cruise to Alaska and I've been dying to return and explore your great state some more. It's so amazing and we just had a glimpse of it on our cruise. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Beautiful photos Geri! You are such a talented photographer!!!! Do you use a particular program for your photo editing? I am always so impressed with the quality of your photos, and your subjects!!! Now, I want to see some more photos of YOU!!! :-)
what a beautiful family you have. you're a great photographer too. thanks for sharing
Peggy (from two peas
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