My sweet Penelope in a field of Lupine, on Summer.
We got a chance to go out riding, just the two of us, and had such a great time. She is such a focused little rider. I had to stop in this field and get a picture. I love Lupine! The bees were buzzing, and the sweet smell filled the air, with nary a breeeze.
I only had my camera phone, and I was on a spirited thoroughbred while I tried to focus..but I still am glad I capured the memory of my little cowgirl in the meadow.
I love Lupine!!!
How lucky you had your cell phone! I am so impressed....
Now, about that thoroughbred....good for you for being such a stick to it gal!!!
She looks awesome on Lupine! The bluebonnets are gorgeous there, too!
Love, Mere
She's such a doll! ;D Summer's beautiful too! Lupine ARE beautiful.... I'm so agreeable right now! ;D heehee....
WHat a gorgeous photo...It belongs on a calendar, or something!!
I love it!
Great memories!
What a great shot, even from a cell phone. You have so much more lupine than we do up here. I've seen a few, but no fields like that. Very cool!
I think you need to read the picture book, "Miss Rumphius" (sp?) about a special lady who plants lupine and changes her world! The flowesr are just beautiful, and so is your daughter!!!
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